Which is the best housework to do during winter?
take cloth out from the d r y e r .
This year was Frank Gehry’s turn. Frank Gehry. Hmm… (one of an architect who kena sue~) haha.. Since studio 3, I was quite interested and impress with his work. He was the precedent study architect during the studio. Finally I was able to get to some of this work. Although this is not a building, but it was pretty amazing! It is lovely.. It is brilliant.. It is fantastic.. haha.. To be honest, I always felt that FG’s build unnecessary structure, but, I like it! Haha. I like the way he express his idea with his structure, the way he develop his ‘sketches’ into architecture which something Alex doing now. And also the way he challenge engineering.
The building was supported with four massive steel columns and is comprised of large timber planks
Frank Gehry said: 'The Pavilion is designed as a wooden timber structure that acts as an urban street running from the park to the existing Gallery. Inside the Pavilion, glass canopies are hung from the wooden structure to protect the interior from wind and rain and provide for shade during sunny days. The Pavilion is much like an amphitheatre, designed to serve as a place for live events, music, performance, discussion and debate. As the visitor walks through the Pavilion they have access to terraced seating on both sides of the urban street. In addition to the terraced seating there are two elevated seating pods, which are accessed around the perimeter of the Pavilion. These pods serve as visual markers enclosing the street and can be used as stages, private viewing platforms and dining areas.'
Part of my texts were taken from the website - Serpntine Gallery
Because I’m not till the standard to write everything by myself yet, but that day will be soon!!
Guess what I found on my way back ~ I know you won’t know… so, never mind, let me tell you…
F o u n d
A N G . M O . R A M B U T A N ! ! !
Haha. What a surprise… don’t ask me what is that, I never know.
c l a s s i c . m o d e r n
the secret between architecture and engineering
when people meet great architecture
welcome to Lloyds's building, but please line up
Every things that goes up, must come down
couple make no loney
cris cross
when edge meet edgeless, my favourite